Hello, I'm Emma!
I am an interdisciplinary designer specializing in sustainability, marketing, and graphic design/ branding. Currently, I am on the Marketing Team at Keel Labs, a startup that focuses on sustainable ocean-based innovations, their flagship product being a fiber made from seaweed. Coming from my background in biodesign, it is such a dream to be working for a leader in the next-gen materials space!
I am a graduate from the University of California, Davis, with a B.A. in Design and a double minor in Sustainability in the Built Environment and Climate Science & Policy. 
I'm largely inspired by my sense of curiosity and passion for the environment. Outside of work, I am excited about hiking and spending time outdoors, 35mm photography, reading, learning new instruments (currently working on the guitar and banjo), knitting, and birding!
Scan QR code below to view my current resume!
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